Home Security Monitoring

Home Security Monitoring has never been so simple!
Monitoring your House and Office is more simple then you think. Every home, well nearly every home has a computer and an Internet connection.
As technology advances and internet speeds get faster and faster. Remote monitoring, and remote viewing of your premises over the internet is possible. Making it a more effective way to secure your house & office.
These traditional services once upon a time cost you, “the consumer” between $1 a day all the way up to $2.00 a day. Working this out to cost about $50.00 or so dollars a month.
Believe me when I say that $50.00 can purchase you another internet line for your house or office with unlimited downloads and calling anywhere in Australia.
Having speeds like the NBN image above can offer all services to your house including television, Voip Local & International Calling, viewing surveillance cameras with a very fluent image refresh rate to your mobile or any hand held device.
You can even get smart and integrate an alarm panel to trigger an event to your Surveillance system and then either, call, message, or send you an email that your home or office alarm has been triggered and you can quickly check your cameras.
Getting smart with your surveillance.
Considering you may need a bit of computer technical knowledge for this next part you can or even better yet allocate several or all your cameras to send you an images of the state of your house the moment your alarm was triggered so this way you can get an instant notification that something is going on back at home or work. During the hours that you are not around.